CS Fall 2017 Week 2 – Paper Formatting (Word)

Lots of clients will have trouble with formatting essays and papers for courses that require more effort than simply typing the words up. While some of you will have done this in a challenge before, we’ve got a lot of newbies to get up to speed!

Create a 10 page document in Microsoft Word (using dummy text from an online generator). Include the following in your paper

  • A cover page
  • Table of Contents
  • At least 5 multilevel headings / different styles
  • Page numbers starting after the table of contents
  • At least 2 images with captions

Here’s a great resource I found for setting up thesis documents, as well as an old tutorial created by Aditi Joshi
Tutorial 1
Tutorial 2 is attached


For this challenge I created the following formatted Word document: 

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