My submission:
My tendency was Questioner, I don’t really agree with this personality test because I think it kind of assumes and there’s a lot of different scenarios where I wouldn’t question something. For example, if I am in a work setting and my employer asks me to do something, I am going to do it rather than question whether it makes sense or not, because they know more about how things work in the work space than I do.
The other tendency I’d struggle with is rebel, if there is an expectation to be met that isn’t outrageous (i.e. make dinner), it doesn’t need to be questioned or resisted, it would be easier if you just made dinner. If a Rebellious tendency were my coworker I would have difficulty collaborating with them, if they felt the need to challenge every decision I make, it would be hard to problem solve with them or have an open discussion, I’d most likely just try to do most of the work, if it had to be collaborative, I’d explain to them why something needs to be done a certain way and hope they understand the logic behind it. If a rebellious tendency were my supervisor, it would b difficult performing outlandish tasks. It would also be difficult to be in a productive and friendly work space, I don’t know if I’d last with a rebel personality, as they seem to want to do what they want to do rather than what is best for the greatest number of people.