Work Diaries Week-10 Warm Fuzzies

We made it! Time for everyone’s favourite!

Think about ONE co-worker who really excels at this job, goes above and beyond our expectations, or brings a unique skill set or worldview to this position. Shine a light on those little things that might not always be noticed, but that definitely make The Commons a better place. Spread the love, & make sure to tag your coworker so they can see your kind words!

The deadline for points is Tuesday, November 27, at 10:00AM. Remember that your Above & Beyond Report is also due that day at NOON.


My submission:

This semester I would like to award the warm fuzzies to @anushervonfaridunovichrakhmatov .

He is always very enthusiastic at work. There have been multiple times when we have been doubled up and he just jumped in to help a client before I could even turn to face the client. He has always helped out his coworkers by covering their shifts. He just has a positive can-do attitude that is very admirable.

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