Focus your energy by setting a work-related goal for yourself this semester. This goal doesn’t need to be technical, but it does need to be SMART:
S - Specific
What exactly do you want to achieve? Why do you want to achieve it? HOW will you achieve it?
Be specific.M - Measurable
How will you track your progress? How will you know when you have achieved your goal? What is the concrete evidence of success?
A - Attainable
Is this goal something that you can realistically achieve in the defined time frame?
R - Relevant
The goal must be important to you, right now. Decide on something that’s meaningful to you.
T - Timely
Give yourself a deadline – for you, it’s the end of the semester! Select a goal that can realistically, measurably be achieved within the next 10 weeks.
SMART goals are much more specific than goals we’ve set in previous semesters (for example: “I want to learn more about the digital media programs” becomes “I want to become more adept at using the gradient mask tool in Illustrator by the end of the semester. I will do so by completing the following tutorials, and working on a final image to be included in my digital media portfolio.”
The deadline for points is 10AM on Tuesday, September 25.
My submission:
S – Specific
I want to learn how to use JavaScript to build a simple app. JavaScript is one of the most widely used programming languages, and I have always wanted to learn it. I will start by following [this tutorial] (
M – Measurable
I will know that I have achieved my goal when I will have a functioning app built using JS.
A – Attainable
1 app is definitely attainable. If I have time, I may even go for two.
R – Relevant
This is relevant to my personal skills development, as well as my job here at the Commons. This will allow me to complete new projects for the Commons in the future.
T – Timely
The 10 weeks deadline is a very reasonable goal for this.