Focus your energy by setting a goal for yourself this semester. This goal doesn’t need to be technical, but it does need to be SMART:
S – Specific
- What exactly do you want to achieve? Why do you want to achieve it? HOW will you achieve it? Be specific.
M – Measurable
- How will you track your progress? How will you know when you have achieved your goal? What is the concrete evidence of success?
A – Attainable
- Is this goal something that you can realistically achieve in the defined time frame?
R – Relevant
- The goal must be important to you, right now. Decide on something that’s meaningful to you.
T – Timely
- Give yourself a deadline – for you, it’s the end of the semester! Select a goal that can realistically, measurably be achieved within the next 10 weeks.
SMART goals are very specific (for example: “I want to learn more about the digital media programs” becomes “I want to become more adept at using the gradient mask tool in Illustrator by the end of the semester. I will do so by completing the following tutorials, and working on a final image to be included in my digital media portfolio.”)
The deadline for points is Tuesday, May 22, at 10:30AM.
My submission:
S – Specific
- This semester I want to complete at least 3 maker projects. Making things has always intrigued me, and now that I have access to so many tools and accessories in the Makerspace, I can finally plan and complete projects without having to build my own workshop. I will make use of my many hours in the Makerspace this semester to accomplish this goal.
M – Measurable
- I will pick 3 (or more) projects ranging from beginner to advanced levels. I will know I have reached my goal when my projects are complete. All projects will fundamentally rely on electronics. As such, a sure way of telling if I am successful or not would be to determine whether the projects behave in the way I had planned.
A – Attainable
- This is something that can be attained in a semester’s time.
R – Relevant
- The goal is relevant to me because it will help me further develop my knowledge of the Makerspace. The goal is important to me because DIY-electronics has always been something I wanted to learn.
T – Timely
- I will do my best to achieve this goal within the next 10 weeks.