DMC Week 1 – Bad Headshots

I want you to take three passport style headshots, of you or other staff, and make them bad in 3 different ways (each photo will be bad in a unique way). You need to explain why are they each bad passport style headshots and go into detail about the settings that you used. Post your jpgs and explanations in a reply to this post.

This tutorial will help:…posure.htm

Due: Tuesday May 22nd at noon.


My submission:

The settings I used are :
ISO 400
Shutter 1/60
f 5.0
I used the same settings for all the photos. I focused mostly on what could go wrong during processing the photo according to the required standards, or the physical setup (camera/subject).

1. This photo is invalid IF it is to be used for a Canadian Visa. The face is not taking up as much of the frame as it should be, according to the Visa Photo standards. Every standard has a different requirement. In fact, this photo would be valid for a Canadian Passport photo.

2. This photo is out of focus. The error is exaggerated for clarity (the irony!), however in most cases it may not be so evident until it’s viewed on a larger display of a computer. This can be avoided by using proper lighting and auto-focus.

3. This headshot is bad for any passport/visa purposes. Here, the subject is looking away from the camera and the face is not square with the camera. For a valid photo, the subject needs to look at the camera with their head squared (no tilt, no pan) to the camera.

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