We all know how much I love a good personality assessment!
Complete theĀ LOGB Assessment, and read a bit more about your type. According to your type, what natural strengths do you bring to The Commons? Does your “communication style” and your characteristics under “pressure or in tense situations” accurately describe how you interact with clients?
My reply:
I got:
L = 25
O = 21
G = 20
B = 34
I got Beaver and Lion.
Reading up on the Beaver traits I can completely relate to most of them. Being detail oriented and thorough helps me avoid confusion when dealing with clients or my colleagues. Since troubleshooting is a major responsibility while working at The Commons, I think being methodical and exhaustive allows me to solve most problems that I face while at work.
According to the test “Beavers” are good listeners. This is most accurate for me when it comes to communication style. I always try to make sure that I let the other party finish speaking before I ask questions or provide feedback.
I do agree that I prefer to avoid tense situations. But I find that I can always stay calm and get through these situations if I find myself in one.