We have a new smartpen!
The Livescribe 3 is a step up from the “Echo” model that we’ve had on reserve for a few years. The biggest improvement with the 3 is that it syncs wirelessly with a mobile device, and actually transfers handwritten notes to your device. This video shows you some more features.
I haven’t put the pen on reserve yet, so come get it from me and test it out! (I’m asking that you sign it out, so I know who has it, when. Please don’t leave it out unattended. We all know how these things can grow legs…) What, for you, is the most useful feature of this smartpen? What would you find the least useful? Did anything not work the way you expected it to?
The deadline for points is Tuesday, October 3, at 10AM.
My response:
I haven’t used a smartpen before and it was a smooth experience, for me, using this pen for the first time.
Most helpful:
– Audio recording: For me, the recording feature was the most helpful. The idea of adding audio recordings to your notes, and being able to go back and listen to specific parts of the recording by tapping on a word would make note-taking more effective and efficient, specially in lectures.
– As a stylus: It’s also helpful in the way it turns the handwritten notes into text, in the app. Not all devices support stylus pens, so this can be useful for people who really need to use a stylus to take notes on their device.
– Free paper refills: It’s also worth noting that the special paper can be downloaded from their website and printed by the user. So unlike some companies, they don’t force you to buy expensive refills/upgrades.
Least helpful:
– Given the price, I found the device very underwhelming. Unless someone absolutely needs the audio recording feature, there is nothing exciting about the pen.
Since I have no previous experience with smartpens, I didn’t have any specific expectations. I thought it would be able to write on any paper, but it needs the special dot-paper, which is a bit limiting.