CS Fall 2017 Week 7 – Linux Moving

This challenge courtesy of Bryan Melanson!

This might be a little tricky but take your time and don’t be afraid to ask for help! You can use Linux terminal on any main lab computer (in Ubuntu) or I believe you can also use putty. Come see me (or Bryan ) if you’re not sure how to start.

In the following tutorial, you will learn how easy it is to move, copy, and delete files using the Linux terminal. Bryan’s tutorial will talk you through some common commands, and then you’ll try the commands on your own and create a text file of a list of commands that will create a folder with your username, create a list of 5 files of different file types, then move each file to an individual folder.

Tutorial attached.

The deadline for full points is Tuesday, Nov 7th at 10:30am


For this challenge I used the following commands:

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