CS Fall 2017 Week 6 – Canva (Graphic Creation)

A little fun given the upcoming festivities!
(For some reason I named this challenge Excel, total mistake on my part)

In the online graphic design school Canva.com, create a Halloween graphic of your choice. It could be a greeting card, a desktop background, or a social media post. Try and theme it as if it were from The Commons to our clients as we might like to use them on our social media posts next week! You will likely need to create a free Canva account.

You can use any built-in Canva designs, or ones you create yourself and import to the program.
You can check out my attached (very quickly done, no points for effort on my part) sample for inspiration

Need help? Canva has a design school with lots of tutorials for you to check out

The deadline for full points is Wednesday, November 1st at 12pm (mini extension given my absence yesterday) – week 7 will still start on Tuesday. If you want to be in the running for some social media shoutouts, best to get it in by Monday, but no points will be gained or lost either way.


For this challenge I created the following card:

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