CS Fall 2017 Week 5 – VBA Macros in Word

This challenge was created as a parting gift by Quentin

Macros are simply ways to automate certain tasks in Microsoft Office. While Macro-based documents are not necessarily good to give to clients due to their complexity, they are useful for automating your own workflow and submitting polished versions of your work. Future managers will be impressed that you have found ways to automate your work, and look upon you more highly.

Your challenge is to apply three macros to one of the provided word documents, and upload the completed document to Bitrix. In your submission post, also indicate what your three macros are and their basic functionality.

Tutorial and Sample are attached

The deadline for full points is Tuesday, Oct 24th at 11am


For this challenge I created the following macros:

1. parentheses : Encloses the selected text in parentheses.
2. repeatTask: Repeats the last performed action a given number of times
3. numbersToWord: Converts numbers to their worded versoins

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