ePortfolio – CS Fall 2017 Week 1

CITL provides students with WordPress space to develop an easily shared online portfolio. We would like for you all to be up to speed on how WordPress works and promote the service. To that end, we highly recommend that you routinely update your site every week to feature your challenges and any additional projects you work on. Your ePortfolio will be submitted at the end of the semester as your Above and Beyond Report.

For this challenge, new staff should get your eportfolio up and running with a home page, pages for your challenges and work diaries, and a couple of posts. If you’ve already set up your ePortfolio, make sure it is up to date – include old challenges, reflection pieces, etc. You may also want to create a new page entirely for Fall 2017.

Set Up Instructions:

  • Log into D2L
  • Click ePortfolio at the top of the page
  • Read the User Guide if need be
  • Click Login
  • Customize your profile
  • Click Dashboard – “My Sites”
  • Go to “[Name]’s Portfolio”
  • Start creating! It’s usually a good idea to start customizing your appearance, and then start adding posts.
  • Ideally keep things separated by semester and post type, but any way you want to break it down that is easy to read works for me

Share your site with the permanent staff by going to Page Security and unchecking Protect Entire Site. You’ll also need to unprotect each post when you create them In the right sidebar of post page in admin panel it says Restrict Access – uncheck that to show that post for public. Make sure your privacy options are set on EVERY page; for some of you, I can see your home pages, but not your about page, for example. See here for more details.

There is a TON of WordPress support online, and answers to any question you have should be available through Google. You can also call CITL Tech Support, but that might be tricky during a shift. Best to ask one of the supervisors if you’re stuck.

The deadline for full points is Tuesday, Sept 26th at 11:00AM.

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