Warm Fuzzies – Work Diaries Spring 2017 W10

We made it. Time for everyone’s favourite! 

Think about ONE co-worker who really excels at this job, goes above and beyond our expectations, or brings a unique skill set or worldview to this position. Shine a light on those little things that might not always be noticed, but that definitely make The Commons a better place. Spread the love! 

The deadline for points is Tuesday, July 25, at 10:30 AM. Note that the Above and Beyond report is also due that day. 


For me, it was both Rick Kelly  and Quentin Holbert. I spent half of my hours shadowing Rick and the other half shadowing Quentin. They have both been very patient and sincere in explaining everything to me (sometimes more than once).

One thing that I absolutely admire about both Quentin and Rick is that they will always answer your questions in detail. I’ve probably never had to ask “why,” before they actually answered it. It goes without saying that they have acquired all the skills necessary to handle their job at the commons with ease, and being under their tutelage has been a comprehensive and fun learning experience for me.

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