Examples of Work

While it is obvious that there are millions of examples of pre-made support materials for teachers, It is difficult and often time-consuming to discern quality sources, or ones that go perfectly with the outcome and how one plans to teach it. Very often, I create my own support materials. Through practice, this has become a quick and easy way to ensure my support materials are attractive, easy to use, and are designed to fulfill a specific purpose.

In this section, I have assembled a small collection of samples of my work to demonstrate its style and quality.

  1. This is a page from a test on simple machines. I chose to include it here because it demonstrates my style and skill in designing easy to use assessment tools. example test 1

2. This is a page that is a part of a series for an interactive exercise book for a unit on Matter. This resource allows students to draw an example of matter in each state, and to show how it is arranged. There is then a place for students to write what they know about matter in the three states. Students enjoy cutting out and arranging the pictures when using this resource. Exampleinteractivenotebookog3.  This is an example of a resource that I have used across the curriculum. It is an easy-to-use assessment tool that students understand and enjoy.frayermodel


4. This is a support sheet that I designed to go along with a science activity. Students were given three different materials in cups and they set out to find descriptive words for those objects, as an introduction to describing properties of matter.examplesupport1


5. This resource has helped facilitate classroom discussion for many topics. Students have also gotten together in pairs to discuss different stances on particular viewpoints. It can be used to help students further develop their stances on debate topics or to help organize information for a persuasive speech. proscons2