Work Diaries Fall 2017 W10: Warm Fuzzies

We made it. Time for everyone’s favourite! 

Think about ONE co-worker who really excels at this job, goes above and beyond our expectations, or brings a unique skill set or worldview to this position. Shine a light on those little things that might not always be noticed, but that definitely make The Commons a better place. Spread the love!

The deadline for points is Tuesday, November 28, at 10AM.

My warm fuzzies goes to Bheem Seewoodharry , with whom I spent the majority of my shifts with. I think he went above and beyond mainly for making great use of his time here at The Commons. He became an expert in the job in all possible ways and he always gets involved in helping his coworkers. Given his work load, it can be very hard to keep up with a productive schedule, nonetheless he does it very naturally.

Work Diaries Fall 2017 W2 – Assistive Technology

We have a new smartpen!
The Livescribe 3 is a step up from the “Echo” model that we’ve had on reserve for a few years. The biggest improvement with the 3 is that it syncs wirelessly with a mobile device, and actually transfers handwritten notes to your device. This video shows you some more features. I haven’t put the pen on reserve yet, so come get it from me and test it out! (I’m asking that you sign it out, so I know who has it, when. Please don’t leave it out unattended. We all know how these things can grow legs…) What, for you, is the most useful feature of this smartpen? What would you find the least useful? Did anything not work the way you expected it to?

The deadline for points is Tuesday, October 3, at 10AM.

The pairing didn’t work at all with my Android phone, so I ended up using Cliff’s Iphone to do it. When it was all sync’d, the smart pen is really impressive. The app gathers the notes almost instantly and the pen feels very smooth to write with, despite looking somewhat big. I would definitely consider using this pen on a regular basis if it didn’t cost as much as a PS4. In fact, I was thinking of scanning some of my older notes from previous terms so I could free up some space at home. I really hope that this kind of technology becomes the new standard for pens in a nearby future, as long as it’s cheap, of course.

Work Diaries Fall 2017 W4 – Technical

This ol’ chestnut.Time to share your knowledge! What’s a technical trick you’ve used this semester to get a client out of a bind?

The deadline for points is Tuesday, October 17, at 10:00AM.

I was recently asked by a client to convert his .pdf file into .pdf/A. All you got to do is open the file and click on save as other -> archivable pdf/a. I had never heard of it before but in fact it is just an ISO-standardized version of the file that follows certain rules to guarantee an appropriate long-term archiving. There’s more details on it at

Work Diaries Fall 2017 W 5 – Professionalism

In three words, how would your coworkers describe you? How does this differ from how clients would describe you? How your friends would describe you?

The deadline for points is Tuesday, October 24, at 10:00AM.

Coworkers: agreeable, youthful, friendly
Clients: Patient, helpful, polite
Friends: Empathetic, stoic, hesitant

Work Diaries Fall 2017 W3 – Professionalism

What is a personality type that you are most likely to conflict with at work? (This may refer to a co-worker or a supervisor). What difficulties do you encounter when working with this personality type? How do you keep yourself motivated when you encounter this personality type and ensure that everything runs smoothly in the workplace? 

The deadline for points is Tuesday, October 10, at 10AM.

I took Bheem’s advice and did the Myers-Briggs free personality test at 16personalities.To be honest, I found the test freakishly accurate. I know this might sound childish or even naive but I genuinely feel like I have improved my self-knowledge after taking the test. Anyways, I’m what they consider as a INFP – Mediator. In a general sense, I’ll always do my best to maintain a good harmony at the workplace and avoid as best as I can any kind of conflicts. That being said, I would say that the personality types I’m most likely to clash with are those with an opposite idea of what a workplace should be.

To be more specific, I’d say people who enforce a highly active, competitive and somewhat judgmental workplace would probably find an opposing philosophy on my side. As to keeping myself motivated, I really consider the connections and friendships at work as the true propellers of a productive state of mind. I would most likely try to reach a middle ground when dealing with those personalities, in a way where I would hold on to the primary traits that defines me. Then again, even though it’s not always easy to deal with clashing opposites, humans are definitely more than labels and personal traits. There is a lot that can be achieved and improved by healthy discussions. From my own experience, whenever I had this problem in a previous job, I would just act professionally and try to resolve the matter being discussed instead of our personal differences.

Work Diaries Fall 2017 W7 – Customer Service

We are always preaching the importance of “owning the problem”, and during training I always say that this job is less about knowing the answers, and more about effectively finding the answers. Describe a time when you really took ownership of something for a client. How did your thoroughness help prevent further work for them?

The deadline for points is Tuesday, November 7, at 10AM.

Last Tuesday I had a client who wished to test out whether he had properly uploaded a few tracks from a CD to his usb stick. Well, he didn’t. Since he had just dragged and dropped, the files we’re still in the .cda extension (simple shortcuts to the actual tracks instead of actual audio files). I explained him what the problem was and guided him through the ripping process available on windows media player to converting the files into .mp3 extension. The client was very pleased with the outcome. After that I thought to myself how complicated and long that process used to be, not to mention its legal implications. I used to get the shivers every time I had to use Nero, Alcohol 120% or DVD Shrink to make a few illegal copies back in the day hahah

Work Diaries Fall 2017 W8 – Customer Service

Imagine a new employee starts working at The Commons, and you are chatting with them about some of the challenges of this job. What client behaviour or attitude do you find most challenging to deal with? What’s one tip or trick you would share with them about dealing with difficult/challenging clients?

The deadline for points is Tuesday, November 14, at 10AM.

I find it most challenging when clients have long and time consuming questions that might take you away from the desk and affect the assistance to other clients, especially during solo shifts. In those situations, it can be very tricky to either tell them to wait or suggest a tutoring session, especially when the majority of clients like that are running late on their assignments. Also, it can be very hard to focus on helping them properly when other clients might be looking for you. My advice is to calmly explain them the situation and suggest that they think ahead of time and book tutoring sessions in advance.

Work Diaries Fall 2017 W9: SMART Goals

Think back on your SMART goal from week 1. Were you successful in achieving this goal? If you didn’t achieve it, why not? How can you MEASURE your success? 

The deadline for points is Tuesday, November 21, at 10AM.

My goal for this semesters was to keep up with previous acquired knowledge, more especifically programming languages. However, I don’t think I completely succeeded at it. It was fairly easy to follow the schedule for the first month or so but when my current courses started to get more demanding I had to put this project on hold. It was good while it lasted but I got a bit frustrated by not being able to stick with it. Anyways, I think I made progress compared to last term smart goals and that’s reassuring.

Work Diaries Fall 2017 Week#1 – SMART Goals

Work Diaries Fall 2017 W1 - SMART Goals
Focus your energy by setting a goal for yourself this semester. This goal doesn’t need to be technical, but it does need to be SMART:
S – Specific
  • What exactly do you want to achieve? Why do you want to achieve it? HOW will you achieve it?
M – Measurable
  • How will you track your progress? How will you know when you have achieved your goal? What is the concrete evidence of success?
A – Attainable
  • Is this goal something that you can realistically achieve in the defined time frame?
R – Relevant
  • The goal must be important to you, right now. Decide on something that’s meaningful to you.
T – Timely
  • Give yourself a deadline – for you, it’s the end of the semester! Select a goal that can realistically, measurably be achieved within the next 10 weeks.
SMART goals are much more specific than goals we’ve set in previous semesters (for example: “I want to lose weight” becomes “I want to lose 20 pounds in the next 6 months. I will do so by cutting out soda, limiting eating out to one every week, and walking for 45 minutes every day.”)
The deadline for points is Tuesday, September 26, at 10:00AM.


  • I don’t want to forget what I’ve learned this year at MUN, including python and c++. This is why my goal will be about keeping up with a study schedule that uses my free hours (not all of them =P), which are usually spent on PS4, movies, and TV shows.


  • I will track my goals using the course structured followed when I took the courses. I will most likely redo the assignments but with a more elegant and easier coding. The evidence of success will be tested by my capability of tutoring on those areas.


  • It is attainable, given that I already did it once.


  • It is definitely relevant. Since I have a terrible memory and study schedule, this will help me to better organize my time and, hopefully, improve my memory.


  • A realistic and reasonable deadline would be the end of the semester, but I’ll be sure to include some checkpoints on the schedule so I don’t lose track of myself.

Above and Beyond Report

I had an amazing time at the commons. I was mostly amazed by how much I could learn in so little time and how prepared and experienced the staff is. Also, it sure feels good to work surrounded by people who are constantly trying to help one another, which turns out to be the one virtue necessary to perform a good job at the commons. Inspired by my co-workers I tried my best to reach out to those who need help and struggled with them to find the answers to their problems. If could change something about these last weeks, I would probably have tried harder to complete all of the challenges. At the same time I’m satisfied with what I’ve learned so far and I really hope to continue working at the commons. Cheers!