CS Fall 2017 Week 4 – PowerPoint Themes

Design an original PowerPoint theme for The Commons with multiple slide layouts. The final result should contain:

  • Standard colour scheme
  • Commons logos
  • Images of The Commons (see The Commons twitter and facebook for recent images, or take your own)
  • At least 10 slides with different layouts showcasing our services/different areas.

See attached sample from Memorial’s marketing department

The deadline for full points is Tuesday, Oct 17th at 11:00am

This is a print of one of the layouts created for this challenge :)

CS Fall 2017 Week 5 – VBA Macros in Word

This challenge prompt us to make three VBA macros to use in word.

Mine were:

  • countParagraph: Counts the number of paragraphs in the text
  • notesMacro: Insert a paragraph for note taking that is formatted as hidden (only shows up with Ctrl+*
  • wordsBullets: Insert bullet formatting with words instead of bullets

Here’s some images:







CS Fall 2017 Week 2 – Paper Formatting (Word)

For this one, we had to perform the most commons tasks used for thesis formatting on Word. The document was supposed to have a cover page, table of contents, proper multi-level headings and a couple of captioned images. Also, there was different numbering for the table of contents and the rest of the document. Here’s a few images of the final result.  Continue reading “CS Fall 2017 Week 2 – Paper Formatting (Word)”

CS Fall Week 8 – Animating using CSS

For this challenge we were required to animate an object in CSS. To be honest it seemed very complicated at first, but then I was told that most people doesn’t write their own code for their objects or Scalable Vector Graphics (SVG). There are some free websites where your drawings are instantly converted into a CSS SVG with the appropriate coordinates. Implementing the animation can sometimes be a bit tricky because of the weird CSS syntax, however there’s much to do with when you get the hang of it. I tried doing something different and did a light pulsing, revolving square.

CS Fall Week 9 – VLookup (Excel)

For this challenge we were required to extract some information (Bulk and Retail price) from a data sheet, using the VLOOKUP for it. Besides the logical I opted to tweak it a little bit by using the IFERROR formula to output a standard message for when a value wasn’t found, which I defined as  “value not found”. That’s pretty silly and it doesn’t make much difference, it’s just better than the usual #N/D for error checking purposes, especially when dealing with a lot of data – not the case for this challenge though.

Week#7 – Publisher

This week was about MS Publisher. I had to make a flyer to advertise a few products of my choice and prepare to send it to a list of emails extracted from excel. Cool stuff, especially the products.