Work Diaries Fall 2017 W10: Warm Fuzzies

We made it. Time for everyone’s favourite! 

Think about ONE co-worker who really excels at this job, goes above and beyond our expectations, or brings a unique skill set or worldview to this position. Shine a light on those little things that might not always be noticed, but that definitely make The Commons a better place. Spread the love!

The deadline for points is Tuesday, November 28, at 10AM.

My warm fuzzies goes to Bheem Seewoodharry , with whom I spent the majority of my shifts with. I think he went above and beyond mainly for making great use of his time here at The Commons. He became an expert in the job in all possible ways and he always gets involved in helping his coworkers. Given his work load, it can be very hard to keep up with a productive schedule, nonetheless he does it very naturally.

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