Work Diaries Fall 2017 W2 – Assistive Technology

We have a new smartpen!
The Livescribe 3 is a step up from the “Echo” model that we’ve had on reserve for a few years. The biggest improvement with the 3 is that it syncs wirelessly with a mobile device, and actually transfers handwritten notes to your device. This video shows you some more features. I haven’t put the pen on reserve yet, so come get it from me and test it out! (I’m asking that you sign it out, so I know who has it, when. Please don’t leave it out unattended. We all know how these things can grow legs…) What, for you, is the most useful feature of this smartpen? What would you find the least useful? Did anything not work the way you expected it to?

The deadline for points is Tuesday, October 3, at 10AM.

The pairing didn’t work at all with my Android phone, so I ended up using Cliff’s Iphone to do it. When it was all sync’d, the smart pen is really impressive. The app gathers the notes almost instantly and the pen feels very smooth to write with, despite looking somewhat big. I would definitely consider using this pen on a regular basis if it didn’t cost as much as a PS4. In fact, I was thinking of scanning some of my older notes from previous terms so I could free up some space at home. I really hope that this kind of technology becomes the new standard for pens in a nearby future, as long as it’s cheap, of course.

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