Ever feel like being at MUN is causing your confidence or sense of self to crumble away? You can thank or blame Clifford Bowe for recommending this challenge!
Take a picture of yourself (or a c-worker) for this challenge. I’ve attached some dispersion brushes below which you will need to install in Photoshop. Follow this dispersion tutorial: https://youtu.be/4xgOWWfurpU Post your finished product as a jpg as a reply to this post.
Hint: it’s easier that the images be taken on a somewhat uniform background; the effect will be much cleaner that way.
I gotta say, I’d never thought I’d be able to do this challenge, especially given my lack of experience with Photoshop and constant feeling of helplessness I get towards Adobe suite challenges. The guide on this one though is pretty much self explanatory. All it took me was to mimic the tutorial step-by-step to get an acceptable result in the end; in fact, it even felt like a little miracle getting this thing done.