CS w4 – Linux Terminal – Basics

Little bit simpler challenge this week, as we return to the basics of the almighty Linux Terminal! Either in Terminal on Linux or through PuTTY, screenshot a session of you completing the following:

1.       Opening the manual of a command (add a separate screenshot showing you have a manual open for this step);

2.       Creating a directory;

3.       Navigating to the directory;

4.       Listing contents of the directory;

5.       Creating a .txt file;

6.       Adding some text to the .txt file using Vi (add a separate screenshot showing you have Vi open for this step);

7.       Outputting the text of the .txt file to the terminal.

You can include multiple steps on 1 screenshot (e.g. steps 2 -5 can all be in one screenshot), but attach as many screenshots as needed. Include these as image files.

This tutorial (section 1 to 6) should have all information needed to complete steps 1 – 7: https://ryanstutorials.net/linuxtutorial/

I don’t think I learned a whole lot from this challenge as we had some something really similar in the past. However, I think it was a good refresher for using Vi, a tool which I’m still not entirely comfortable with.

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