DMC w4 – super heros

Using an image of yourself, follow and complete this tutorial:…er-poster/

Post your finished product as a jpg in a reply to this thread.

This one, like the most of the other DMC challenges, felt a bit challenging, but I think it turned out to be kind of good in the end. Personally, I think that getting a proper understanding of how the layers work on photoshop was the most time consuming thing about this challenge.

DMC w1 – bad headshots

I want you to take three passport style headshots, of you or other staff, and make them bad in 3 different ways (each photo will be bad in a unique way). You need to explain why are they each bad passport style headshots and go into detail about the settings that you used. Post your jpgs and explanations in a reply to this post.

This first photo was taken with a slow shutter speed and completely off focus, hence the blurriness.


In contrast, this one was taken with a more reasonable focus and a fast shutter speed, which wasn’t enough to capture enough light.


This one is still out of focus and it has a similar aperture to the last photo, however the white balance was customized towards the blue/violet end of the spectrum which made the photo look brown.



DMC w2 – Dispersion Effect

Ever feel like being at MUN is causing your confidence or sense of self to crumble away? You can thank or blame Clifford Bowe for recommending this challenge!

Take a picture of yourself (or a c-worker) for this challenge. I’ve attached some dispersion brushes below which you will need to install in Photoshop. Follow this dispersion tutorial:  Post your finished product as a jpg as a reply to this post.

Hint: it’s easier that the images be taken on a somewhat uniform background; the effect will be much cleaner that way.

I gotta say, I’d never thought I’d be able to do this challenge, especially given my lack of experience with Photoshop and constant feeling of helplessness I get towards Adobe suite challenges. The guide on this one though is pretty much self explanatory. All it took me was to mimic the tutorial step-by-step to get an acceptable result in the end; in fact, it even felt like a little miracle getting this thing done.

DMC w8 – fusion 360

Create a model of a Memorial building (of your choosing) from the outside. In a reply to this post, state the name of the building along with a screenshot of the model, and the STL file itself.

I finally became a bit more familiarized with Fusion 360 and was able to finish this challenge. Last term, when I had my first try with it, I couldn’t even finish simple models. Now that I’ve done “something” I’m even able to recognize what a powerful tool this is, if properly used.

DMC w9 – fixing PDFs for printing

Following the tutorial with the example file provided and then complete it with your OWN UNIQUE BUSINESS CARD. Post your finished business card pdf and the generated report in a reply to this post.




To be honest, I thought this challenge was really well done and filled with new information. I think that’s great that we know about the existence of PDF compliance standards, but I do wish that I won’t ever come across a client who has a document that doesn’t fit those standards. Not that this is too complicated, but it just has far too many detailed steps that I don’t think I’ll ever memorize.

W1 – Excel, Back to Basics

First CS challenge of the new semester and, surprise, surprise… it’s time for Excel! Just a fairly basic challenge to get you warmed up (don’t worry, I’ll make the next one tougher).

Create a table filled with at least 4 rows (items) by 4 columns (months) of “sales” data (either taken from somewhere or made up). Show the total sales by item and total sales by month, as well as average sales per item and average sales per month (does not have to all be in the same table). These should all be calculated by excel formulas using absolute cell references. Once complete, create a bar graph showing the item sales by month. How you format the data is up to you (i.e. you don’t have to follow my exact tables below). Post your submission in a reply as an excel file.

Full document HERE

CS w2 – Word – Table of Contents and Page Numbering

Create a document of at least 4 pages, not including cover page and table of contents (you can use the lorem ipsum generator below to create dummy text for this purpose). Your document should have at least 6 headers (including a few sub-headers). Add a table of contents that automatically fills in the page number and headers/sub-headers. Add page numbers that start at the page after your table of contents i.e. your cover page and table of contents should not be included in your page numbering. See my attached file as a general guideline.

Full document HERE

Nice challenge. Always good to practice helpful skills for the job, by the way this is definitely among the 3 most asked questions related to software assistance.

CS W3 – LaTeX – Formatting, Commands, and Environments

Follow the tutorial in the attached tutorial.pdf file. Using an online LaTeX editor like overleaf or a LaTeX editor of your choice (we have several installed on the LabNet machines) complete the attached submission_template.tex file, showcasing the completed Exercises 1, 2, and 3. This one is a bit more challenging than the last few challenges, so if you have any questions ask me or Evan. My submission.pdf file below is an example of a completed submission.

Henrique_CS challenge

This was fairly challenging and I learned a lot of things that I didn’t know existed in Latex. Indeed it is a really useful software to know more about.