CS w4 – Linux Terminal – Basics

Little bit simpler challenge this week, as we return to the basics of the almighty Linux Terminal! Either in Terminal on Linux or through PuTTY, screenshot a session of you completing the following:

1.       Opening the manual of a command (add a separate screenshot showing you have a manual open for this step);

2.       Creating a directory;

3.       Navigating to the directory;

4.       Listing contents of the directory;

5.       Creating a .txt file;

6.       Adding some text to the .txt file using Vi (add a separate screenshot showing you have Vi open for this step);

7.       Outputting the text of the .txt file to the terminal.

You can include multiple steps on 1 screenshot (e.g. steps 2 -5 can all be in one screenshot), but attach as many screenshots as needed. Include these as image files.

This tutorial (section 1 to 6) should have all information needed to complete steps 1 – 7: https://ryanstutorials.net/linuxtutorial/

This challenge was fairly simple as I already knew how to do it, however, I can see its utility for Linux first time users. Either way it served me as a refresher.



CS W7 – Python –Introduction

Python is becoming the programming language of choice for many courses at MUN, so we’re going to take this week to go over some of the basics of the language! Following the tutorial on Sololearn (found at https://www.sololearn.com/Play/Python ) complete at least the first 2 sections (Basic Concepts and Control Structures, if you have time, complete Functions and Modules as well).

For those of you already familiar with Python, you can click the “Take A Shortcut” button to be tested on your proficiency and get credit for all the sections previous to the test. Feel free to utilize this if you feel comfortable enough with the language already.

I was positively surprised by this challenge. The first part is really simple if you have previous experience with the syntax, however, it takes a lot more to finish the course. By the end of it, I learned several useful tools that I didn’t even know existed in Python, like regular expressions.

CS W8 – Linux Terminal – Permissions and Scripting

For this week, we’re continuing the Linux tutorials provided on the website https://ryanstutorials.net/linuxtutorial/ . Go through the “Permissions” section and the “Scripting” section of the tutorial. After reading through those sections, create the following scripts using Vim:

1.       A script that outputs the contents of the current directory;

2.       A script with a variable ‘name’ that outputs “Hello ‘name’” (‘name’ being the string that you put in the variable in the script);

3.       A script that takes command line arguments and outputs them back to the command line.

This was a really nice challenge. After this I think I’ll dedicate myself on learning more about Linux and all its tools and functionalities.

CS W9 – Publisher – Brochure Design

In Publisher, make a brochure with content of your choosing. The brochure should be laid out so that, when folded, different sections are presented on each fold (for example, a trifold brochure design). If you need content, you can use images, information, etc. from The Commons web page, but choose whatever subject matter you’d like! I am purposely leaving this open ended so you can get creative with this one/experiment with Publisher. Attach your completed design as a publisher file in a reply.

Did a spin off brochure on Breaking Bad, which was inspired by the tv show’s character called Walter Jr.(aka Flynn ) and his endeavor on raising funds to pay for his dad’s chemotherapy treatment.