AnB Report

I think that this semester was more productive for me, mainly on the professional aspect. Not only I had more clients to tutor during the first weeks but also I managed to reserve more time to learn more about CS related software, given my sole focus on that area. Another reason why I think I went above my own expectations is that I tried my best on improving my attitude towards clients and my own personal goals; because of that I was able to help more people and even myself. I really made an effort to add something extra on the CS challenges and even proposed two new challenges of my own making. Nonetheless, I still think there’s much on what I can improve, specially my affinity and dedication towards the DMC related area and projects proposed by the perm staff, which I still have some time to work on during my remaining tutoring hours. Either way I think that I keep on improving with every term I spent here, both personally and professionally as this work has been providing me with all the tools I need to build up solid transferable skills for the future.