Work Diaries Fall 2017 Week#1 – SMART Goals

Work Diaries Fall 2017 W1 - SMART Goals
Focus your energy by setting a goal for yourself this semester. This goal doesn’t need to be technical, but it does need to be SMART:
S – Specific
  • What exactly do you want to achieve? Why do you want to achieve it? HOW will you achieve it?
M – Measurable
  • How will you track your progress? How will you know when you have achieved your goal? What is the concrete evidence of success?
A – Attainable
  • Is this goal something that you can realistically achieve in the defined time frame?
R – Relevant
  • The goal must be important to you, right now. Decide on something that’s meaningful to you.
T – Timely
  • Give yourself a deadline – for you, it’s the end of the semester! Select a goal that can realistically, measurably be achieved within the next 10 weeks.
SMART goals are much more specific than goals we’ve set in previous semesters (for example: “I want to lose weight” becomes “I want to lose 20 pounds in the next 6 months. I will do so by cutting out soda, limiting eating out to one every week, and walking for 45 minutes every day.”)
The deadline for points is Tuesday, September 26, at 10:00AM.


  • I don’t want to forget what I’ve learned this year at MUN, including python and c++. This is why my goal will be about keeping up with a study schedule that uses my free hours (not all of them =P), which are usually spent on PS4, movies, and TV shows.


  • I will track my goals using the course structured followed when I took the courses. I will most likely redo the assignments but with a more elegant and easier coding. The evidence of success will be tested by my capability of tutoring on those areas.


  • It is attainable, given that I already did it once.


  • It is definitely relevant. Since I have a terrible memory and study schedule, this will help me to better organize my time and, hopefully, improve my memory.


  • A realistic and reasonable deadline would be the end of the semester, but I’ll be sure to include some checkpoints on the schedule so I don’t lose track of myself.