Above and Beyond Report

Customer Service

During this term, I’ve decided to collect a few events that I participated in which, in my opinion, stood out from the usual services we provide.

I helped a lady preparing her visa application during a desk shift and continued to do so when the shift was done. At the end of the day I think I dedicated at least 2 hours to get all of her stuff done. In the end she paid me with warm hugs and smiles.

Since the past term, I must have had at least five sessions with this graduate student who needed help on formatting his thesis. Whenever we meet now, he keeps on thanking me repeatedly.  He also told me he recommended the commons to all his friends because of how helpful this service was to him.

I find it amazing the diversity of clients that we help daily. I had this lady come over the other day to book an appointment so that she could learn the most basic interactions with a computer. We started talking about how computers changed society as we know it and how, in some way, it punishes people like her, who didn’t keep up with the changes.  She then later shared with me she’d been a housewife for the last 35 years and that she had been dedicating herself to write anthropology articles from her home for the last 15 years, without possessing any of the common knowledge of using a computer that most of us take for granted. We also talked about how amazing it was, for someone who learned to write essays by counting the words that were supposed to fit in each line, when one of her papers was selected for a speech at a local college. It’s crazy, how the learning process has changed over the years and the shift towards typed over handwritten notes. Anyways, this conversation made me really relate to her life and how insecure and unsure I felt about this new learning environment that I stepped into when I decided to move to Canada. Apparently,  it doesn’t really matter what the circumstances are, but if you align your practices and beliefs with fundamental values that fill up our souls then the outcome will certainly be positive.

Skills and abilities

This term I took my first DMC shifts; a major learning opportunity that I did everything I could to learn as much as possible. One of the factors that aided my training was that the shifts were mostly really quiet, that way I was able to properly focus on the challenges and other services offered in the DMC, like taking passport pictures and large format printings. I also had to get used Trello and managed to update it with a few cards, more specifically those for the AT reserve. Speaking of which, this was also my first term as an AT tutor and, although I didn’t had that many clients (one), it has been a productive term on my opinion. I learned how to use the basic tools in every software we offer and also started working on an update brochure that reflects the recent changes that the area underwent.

Given my indifference towards the DMC challenges since I first started working here, I decided to make my change of heart towards the area as my SMART goal for this semester. I think it turned out reasonably well in the end, given that I’ve only skipped two challenges, one of which got deleted with the old profiles at the desk stations :( . In general, I feel that, while I was able to keep on doing all the things that I’ve been getting it right, I was able to learn several new things that improved the service and contribution I provide at work. I have high expectations for myself next term and I hope to keep on taking the opportunities that are presented to me (like the AT tutoring was this term);the makerspace, for instance, is looking more appealing by the day as a great and new learning experience.

W10 – Make A Challenge

Create a challenge that showcases a software/tool/function/etc. that you find useful and would like to pass on to others! Your challenge should include a concise tutorial of how to complete the challenge, along with what the goal of the challenge is. The tutorial should not be a general “guide” but rather tailored to the specific area you are focusing on. Challenges should be able to be completed in about an hour.

Possible topic areas include:

  • Microsoft Office Suite (Word, Excel, Powerpoint, Access, or Publisher)
  • Linux (Terminal commands, Linux specific software, Utilising a Linux OS)
  • AT Software (Kurzweil, Dragon Naturally Speaking, Read and Write Gold, Inspiration)
  • Programming (Scripting, web programming, language concepts)
  • Any other area you’d like to focus on (See me for approval first!)

This one is a bit more open ended than our usual challenges, and as such, if you’re questioning your idea, please don’t hesitate to talk through it with me first, rather than finish it only for it to not meet the requirements.

Challenge guide HERE

Challenge sample file HERE

W10 – PS layer styles

Choose TWO of the tutorials from this page and follow them using your OWN NAME as the words. Post your finished products as jpgs in a reply to this post.

Great and easy challenge. It even made me feel like I know something about Photoshop. =)

W10 – Warm Fuzzies

We made it! Time for everyone’s favourite!

Think about ONE co-worker who really excels at this job, goes above and beyond our expectations, or brings a unique skill set or worldview to this position. Shine a light on those little things that might not always be noticed, but that definitely make The Commons a better place. Spread the love!

I’m pretty sure lots of people share the feeling I have about this being the hardest challenge. If could, I’d definitely pick at least five co-workers who I think went above and beyond this term, however, I gotta say that Raahyma deserves the warmest of fuzzies. Although we haven’t shared that many hours together, her dedication to work has left a mark on me. For starters, she is probably the one person who actually does rounds every 30 minutes and refills the printers every hour! She always treats clients in a very professional and polite manner and is extremely confident and effective when dealing with policies and procedures. I find it amazing how, even with her busy schedule this term, she manages to keep everything chilled and in order and is always willing to share her knowledge on stuff. I also think she’s an awesome person to share a shift with; she can literally make any topic sound fun and interesting and she has an amazing taste in food, which always makes me hungry when we talk about it. I couldn’t ask for a better coworker to start off the week with and hopefully we’ll get to share a few more shifts in the future!

W9 – Peer Review

This work diary will give you the opportunity to reflect on your coworkers’ performance this semester. Your comments will give the supervisors a fuller picture of everyone’s work performance.

Everyone will be expected to review two of their peers. I am contacting everyone VIA EMAIL with the names of the coworkers they will be reviewing.  I want to make every attempt to keep reviewers/reviewees confidential, so please do not share the names of the coworkers you will be reviewing.

Feedback will be shared anonymously with each of you during final feedback. Bearing this in mind, the emphasis here is on CONSTRUCTIVE feedback – what are your coworkers doing really well, how are they meeting (or exceeding!) Commons expectations, and the solid, practical ways they can improve for future semesters.

Please think critically about your answers, and provide as detailed a review as you can. Don’t assume that everyone should receive 10’s across the board. When assigning scores, assume that everyone starts at a 0 and work your way up through the scores. Give us lots of specific examples of why you are giving the scores that you are.

Here are the peer review questions. Please complete a separate form for each coworker you will be reviewing! Out of fairness to your coworkers, this work diary is mandatory.


Confidential stuff.

W2 – Professionalism

What degree program are you currently completing? What is one skill that you are developing through your program that has benefited you as a Commons employee? How has your time at The Commons benefited you in your academic program?

What degree program are you currently completing?
– I am currently doing a B.Sc. in Computer Science.
What is one skill that you are developing through your program that has benefited you as a Commons employee? 
– My program has taught me to think outside the box and come up with creative solutions for complex problems.This has been extremely useful at The Commons whenever clients seek help with unusual questions.
How has your time at The Commons benefited you in your academic program?
– Working here has helped me with my time management, my commitment to self-improvement, my customer service skills  and constantly helps me to perfect and consolidate new and old knowledge.

W8 – SMART Goals

Think back on your SMART goal from Week 1. Were you successful in reaching your goal? If so, what resources did you use? How has this goal/skill benefited you while on the job? If you didn’t succeed, why not? What could you do in the future to help you achieve your goal?
I think I’ve been doing good so far. I’m running late on two challenges but I got one of them almost finished and it shouldn’t take me that long to finish the other one, so I have good expectations! As I had anticipated, being given more shifts at the DMC has made it a lot easier to complete the challenges. Moreover, I definitely wouldn’t have completed most of the challenges without the help from many of my co-workers. Regarding the tasks and procedures that I’ve wanted to get more familiarized with, I believe I’m now fairly comfortable on dealing with passport photo requests and plotter jobs. Thanks to all of those involved :)

W1 – SMART Goals

Focus your energy by setting a goal for yourself this semester. This goal doesn’t need to be technical, but it does need to be SMART:

S – Specific

  • What exactly do you want to achieve? Why do you want to achieve it? HOW will you achieve it? Be specific.

M – Measurable

  • How will you track your progress? How will you know when you have achieved your goal? What is the concrete evidence of success?

A – Attainable

  • Is this goal something that you can realistically achieve in the defined time frame?

R – Relevant

  • The goal must be important to you, right now. Decide on something that’s meaningful to you.

T – Timely

  • Give yourself a deadline – for you, it’s the end of the semester! Select a goal that can realistically, measurably be achieved within the next 10 weeks.

SMART goals are very specific (for example: “I want to learn more about the digital media programs” becomes “I want to become more adept at using the gradient mask tool in Illustrator by the end of the semester. I will do so by completing the following tutorials, and working on a final image to be included in my digital media portfolio.”)

S – Specific

  • My goal for this semester is to dedicate myself on completing the DMC challenges and becoming more familiarized with the tasks performed at this area

M – Measurable

  • The mid-semester and end semester feedbacks will be an effective and reliable way of measuring my success.

A – Attainable

  • I’ll be taking enough hours at the DMC in order to achieve my goal.

R -Relevant

  • It’s definitely relevant for my professional career as I will learn extra skills. Furthermore, it will help me on becoming a more flexible worker at The commons, since I’ll be more than fit to work either at the DESK or DMC.

T – Timely

  • I feel like an entire term gives me more than enough time to complete all of the challenges and learn many of the intricacies involved in the area.

W7 – Professionalism

How long have you worked at The Commons? What is the biggest challenge you have had to overcome in this job? What has required the steepest learning curve? How have you overcome these challenges?

I’ve been working here for 1 year now and I think that the steepest learning curve I had to go through was regarding the policies and procedures. Like for some here, it took me a while to realize who to go to when certain issues occur. Most of the things, however, are actually best if learnt from practice, so I never minded not knowing what to do in certain situations because there has always been someone around that was either more experienced or that at least could share the responsibility of finding out what do to as a team. That said, I think that biggest challenge for me, on that respect, was to properly connect with co-workers and seek out help when needed. In that sense, all the warm-hearted people here at the commons helped me on overcoming those difficulties :)

W6 – Customer Service

Have a read through the Ten Keys to Handling Unreasonable & Difficult People. Which of these tactics do you tend to use when dealing with difficult clients? Which of these tactics hasn’t worked for you, and why?

I can only think of two occasions where I needed to make use of those tactics, although unconsciously. A while back I had a client who came for support really stressed out. Since he was able to clearly express what annoyed him, it was a lot easier for me to disconnect myself from him and follow a Shift from Being Reactive to Proactive” guideline, especially because I knew that the sooner I solved his problem everyone could get along with their lives once again. I’ll always refrain from confronting or even connecting with that kind of client because you’ll never be able to relate or understand where he’s coming from, remember that stressed people are almost always illogical. That said, I don’t think I would ever use tactics like Separate the Person From the Issue or  Confront Bullies (Safely) for tough clients. Lately, I’ve been also dealing with a client who’s often very stubborn and inflexible. Most of the times that he asks for my advise he just won’t listen or he’s unable to try and solve a few issues on his own. Personally, I think that this is one of the worst kind of clients due to their indifference towards the service being provided (which kind of makes me feel like I’m his personal slave above all else); that’s why the “Fly Like an Eagle” is perfect for cases like this. So I normally just give in to my distracted mindset and let it wander off somewhere to a deserted island to the sound of the amazing song that inspired this approach :)

I wanna fly like an eagle
To the sea
Fly like an eagle
Let my spirit carry me
I want to fly like an eagle
‘Till I’m free (see how it’s a perfect fit?)