Work Diaries Winter 2018 W9: Peer Review

As discussed in everyone’s mid-semester feedback meeting, we are piloting a new peer review process this semester. While this peer review process won’t directly affect your feedback scores (and will NOT replace permanent staff feedback scores), your comments will give the supervisors a fuller picture of everyone’s work performance for the semester.

Everyone will be expected to review two of their peers. I’m in the process of contacting everyone with the names of the coworkers they will need to review. Please note that I am sending the names out via email, as I want to make every attempt to keep reviewers/reviewees confidential. Please do not share the names of the coworkers you will be reviewing.

While your comments will remain anonymous, feedback will be shared with each student during their final feedback meeting in a few weeks’ time. Bearing this in mind, the emphasis here is on constructive feedback – what are your coworkers doing really well, how are they meeting (or exceeding!) Commons expectations, and the solid, practical ways they can improve for future semesters. While we want your honest opinions, this is not an opportunity to bring down coworkers, and I wouldn’t expect any of you to treat it as such.

You can find the peer review questions here. Please complete a separate form for each coworker you will be reviewing. Out of fairness to your coworkers, everyone should complete this work diary. While it won’t take a huge time commitment on your part, please think critically about your answers, and provide as detailed a review as you can.

The deadline is Tuesday, March 20, at 10:30AM.

Google Forms – create and analyze surveys, for free.
Create a new survey on your own or with others at the same time. Choose from a variety of survey types and analyze results in Google Forms. Free from Google.
I did fill the peer review forms 🙂