Work Diaries Winter 2018 W5: Productivity
What system or software do you use to stay organized for school, work and life? What effectively facilitates you getting things done on time? What’s your #1 productivity tip? 
Same as most people, I started relying on google calendar to keep me up to date with my tasks and classes. In the beginning of every semester as soon as the semester’s class schedule comes out, I start to create my calendar, and try to stick to it. During finals I sometimes keep a reminder to eat food and drink water, as usually when I am stressed I forget to do these simple tasks. For some time I started to use an app which reminded me of taking breaks during studying. ClearFocus: Productivity Timer this is a good application. I mostly use this during finals. https://play.google.com/store/apps/det…&hl=en
I use mostly all google products to keep me prepared, like Rick is use google drive as it is handy and helps me access textbooks and other documents at any time. :)

ClearFocus: Productivity Timer – Android Apps on Google Play
ClearFocus is a time-management app which makes you more productive. Are you tired of wasting your time on distractions instead of focusing on what really matters? ClearFocus is for you!ClearFocus alternates working sessions with small breaks. This will let you concentrate more easily and boost your productivity. No more distractions, focus on what’s important.ClearFocus sports an elegant interface designed not to get in your way. It’s as easy to use as possible: tap once and start working.To k