Work Diaries Winter 2018 W2: Professionalism

We all know how much I love a good personality assessment!

Complete the LOGB Assessment, and read a bit more about your type. According to your type, what natural strengths do you bring to The Commons? Does your “communication style” and your characteristics under “pressure or in tense situations” accurately describe how you interact with clients?

L  – 33
O – 25
G – 21
B – 21According to the test, I am a combination of all, with the most points being a Lion. Reading all the profiles, I don’t relate most with any profiles. I don’t think this test is a good example to calculate someones personality.

I agree with being a lion and a combination of otter. The otter personality is great fit for me also, as I  am enthusiastic and optimistic. I disagree on the attacking part 😛 In listening I agree on being a Golden Retriever, as I am people oriented, and am a two way communicator, this helps working at the commons, as we listen to clients issue, and after that explain how to solve it. In my opinion, everyone should be both a listener and replies well.
I also have beaver personality- sometimes I do avoid making a decision as I try to think of other ways which the issue could be fixed before choosing one.

This was a great personality test, but I think it isn’t as accurate at defining the specific personality as maybe I am a bit of all. :)