CS S18 C1

Spring 2018 CS w1 – Excel, Back to Basics

First CS challenge of the new semester and, surprise, surprise… it’s time for Excel! Just a fairly basic challenge to get you warmed up (don’t worry, I’ll make the next one tougher).

Create a table filled with at least 4 rows (items) by 4 columns (months) of “sales” data (either taken from somewhere or made up). Show the total sales by item and total sales by month, as well as average sales per item and average sales per month (does not have to all be in the same table). These should all be calculated by excel formulas using absolute cell references. Once complete, create a bar graph showing the item sales by month. How you format the data is up to you (i.e. you don’t have to follow my exact tables below). Post your submission in a reply as an excel file.

Due May 22nd by Noon for full points.

Helpful Links –

Sum and Average formulas – https://oxen.tech/blog/simple-excel-fo…m-average/
Absolute cell references – http://www.informit.com/articles/arti…9&seqNum=7
Basics Overview and Graphing – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eI_7oc-E3h0

Example –

image (1).png

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