WD W9 F18

This work diary will give you the opportunity to reflect on your coworkers’ performance this semester. Your comments will give the supervisors a fuller picture of everyone’s work performance for the semester.

Earlier this semester, I emailed everyone with the names of the two peers they will be expected to review. I want to make every attempt to keep reviewers/reviewees confidential, so please do not share the names of the coworkers you will be reviewing. Please contact me ASAP if you do not know who you’ve been assigned to review.

Feedback will be shared anonymously with each student during their final feedback. Bearing this in mind, the emphasis here is on CONSTRUCTIVE feedback – what are your coworkers doing really well, how are they meeting (or exceeding!) Commons expectations, and the solid, practical ways they can improve for future semesters.

Please think critically about your answers, and provide as detailed a review as you can. Don’t assume that everyone should receive 10’s across the board. When assigning scores, assume that everyone starts at a 0 and work your way up through the scores. Give us lots of specific examples of why you are giving the scores that you are.

Here are the peer review questions. Please complete a separate form for each coworker you will be reviewing! Out of fairness to your coworkers, this work diary is mandatory. 

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